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In this age of myriad valuable claims on our time and attention, we see membership in a church as a way to narrow our focus on what really deeply matters - our desire to grow in love of God, self and other human beings. Making a commitment to a group of people dedicated to these values provides direction and meaning to daily life. We recognize that we belong to one another and are supported in that belonging by the love of God. As church members, we consciously enter a community of mutual encouragement. We sense that experiencing the Spirit in our gatherings strengthens our open-heartedness in all we say and do and increases our desire to serve in the world.

If you are interested in joining with us, know that we regard membership as being commissioned to grow in your relationship with Spirit and to engage in an authentic life of ministry with your own unique gifts.



Whether or not you plan to become a formal member of FPCSR,

do come and spend time with us.

We welcome you.

  Click on the brochures below to learn more about our programs and mission  


Planned giving is an opportunity for all of us to strengthen the work of our church for the future by providing for the ministry and mission of those who come after us. First Presbyterian Church of San Rafael (FPCSR) has been blessed by the generosity of those who have preceded us. In the recent years, bequests and cash gifts have supported, for example, our youth outreach program as well as facilities improvement and the enrichment our music programs. Bequests have also been given to build our general endowment. Such gifts help with the church’s overall operational costs and can be used to support any programmatic area.


Planned gifts fall into three categories. The first two, which can be given at any time, are cash gifts, and gifts that return income or other financial benefits to the donor in return for the contribution. The third category is the bequest, a gift to the church written into your will.

The possible ways to direct your gift are described in the Planned Giving brochure for FPCSR (see below). The gift can be undesignated, giving the widest latitude to the Session for the church’s use, or can be directed to categories such as mission, worship or pastoral care. Please see the brochure for more information.

The brochure lists the Planned Giving committee members. If you have questions or want more information, please feel free to contact any of the committee members. We thank you for your generosity as you plan your gifts to FPCSR.


Anchor 1

  Interested in Planned Giving? Click HERE to find out more  

Types of Gift Instruments
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