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Christ calls us to healing, reconciling and binding up wounds; ministering to the needs of the poor, sick, lonely and powerless;
and engaging in the struggle to free people from oppression, hunger and injustice. Scroll down to learn more about our dynamic Mission and Social Justice programs, and to serve one time or ongoing by calling Ralph Purdy through our church office at 415 456 6760


In 2012, we launched Youth on the Move, outreach programs for children and youth who are underserved in Marin.


Youth Service Team (YST) has reached 25 youth in 2021-2022, providing many hours of service opportunities.  Youth have served with a wide variety of organizations, including Marin Parks, the Milo Foundation, preparation of meals for the Mill Street Shelter, and the Rotating Emergency Shelter.


Our after-school enrichment program at San Pedro Elementary School in San Rafael: Our volunteers work with a part-time coordinator and teachers to offer programs in cooking/nutrition, gardening, movement/exercise, art and science every Wednesday afternoon. We are always seeking volunteers to work with these delightful and bright children – if you are interested, please call Leslie Purdy through the church office at 415 456 6760. Also, please consider donating to this program which is funded from funds outside the church budget.

Youth on the Move


Each year, members serve in numerous ways…  please join us…


  • Rebuild homes with Presbyterian Disaster Assistance and Habitat for Humanity.

  • Cook meals for clients at the Mill Street Shelter.

  • Go Green with our Green Team and the Marin Interfaith Climate Action.

  • Reach out to local immigrant families through the Sanctuary Church Task Force.

  • Walk or ride your bike to raise money for world hunger or protein for our Northern California Food Banks.


We partner with Marin Organizing Committee (MOC) to increase access to affordable housing, emergency shelter with support services for people without homes, and increase rights for renters.


We sponsor the work of the Marin Street Chaplaincy, through hosting them on our site for weekly dinners for 60 people.


As active partners with the Marin Interfaith Council, we work to promote diversity and inclusion, and increase understanding across faith traditions and diverse populations.

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